Parent Testimonials

Playtime on the slide in in Gan Nursery, & pre-school in the Bushey United Synagogue

At Bushey Gan we have a strong commitment to our partnership with parents. We regularly ask parents to complete a survey to express how things have been at Gan for them as parents as well as for their children.

These are some quotes from a recent survey:

“I have enjoyed the informal & relaxed approach, communicating and interacting with teachers. The green link books fulfil their function and the stickers on the children informing of events is fantastic! There is also lots of information on the noticeboards”

I am very happy that I am able to send my son into an environment that is warm & caring. I am confident when I leave my son at the door that he will have a well-supported and happy session. I couldn’t be happier”

“I have found Bushey Gan to be extremely professional and to have very high standards of care. The staff are very warm and handled the settling in process extremely well. Overall I have been very impressed with Bushey Gan and think it is very organised and professional”

“The settling in process worked well & communication is good. There is a warm & nurturing feel about the nursery and we have felt nothing but positive about his time at Bushey Gan so far”

“It is such a nurturing nursery and incredibly well run and organised. It’s always professional”

“The changeover has been smooth; everyone is happy, friendly and considerate”

“Thank you all for creating a warm, nurturing environment”

“It’s a very friendly and warm nursery with good communication and organisation”

“If my daughter is happy them I am happy. I think the Gan is a great nursery and a lovely environment”

“I am very happy with the nursery and whenever I’ve needed to ask my questions or discuss anything with teachers, they always give me the time – Thank you”


“We are very happy with the support and encouragement we have been given”

“He loves going to nursery and runs in with a smile. His language has improved”

“Only been here three weeks but has settled in very well and really enjoys all the activities”

“His knowledge and vocab have really expanded”

“He has really become confident in Gan”

“The first few weeks were emotional! After that, very happy and confident that he was settling in and enjoying himself”

“She enjoys all the activities and adores her teacher!”

“She can’t wait to get in every day!”